Welcome to
Torah Faith
Somehow, everybody needs a name. We have chosen to call ourselves Torah Faith. We are an independent group that firmly believes in the saving work of Messiah, but also recognizes the importance of the Old Testament, especially the Torah. We believe the Torah, and the entire Old Testament, to be relevant to our faith. The Torah was not given to provide salvation, but is the teaching and instruction of God, telling us how to please Him.
We seek to discover the historic value and spiritual meaning of our Hebraic roots, and how those roots support, apply, and enlarge our understanding of Messiah.
Obedience to God's instructions and teachings is not legalism. We choose to follow His teachings out of obedience and appreciation for the salvation provided to us by the Grace of God.
To learn more about us, visit our pages and study with us.
Torah Faith-From the Roots
Torah Faith-From the Roots
Who We Are
Who We Are
We are an independent group of people who desire to know and understand God’s Word. Our goal is to restore the Hebraic history and culture to
the Bible. We do this through a detailed study of the Old Testament, especially the Torah, from a traditional Hebraic perspective. We then apply that
learning to our Messiah and the New Testament to build our faith, enrich our spiritual lives, and deepen our personal
relationship with the Lord.
Our mission is: 1) to restore the relevancy and relationship of the Older Testament to our understanding of the Newer Testament, 2) to help bridge the gap that developed between Judaism and Christianity, 3) to respect, bless, and support Israel, 4) to restore the essence and spirit of the true Messianic movement of the first century, and 5) to study and teach the Word of God in an authentic and scholarly way
Our method is simple. We post our teachings and invite anyone who is interested to take advantage of them. We also record and post our in-person meetings (without major editing so you hear questions and responses).
relationship with the Lord.
Our mission is: 1) to restore the relevancy and relationship of the Older Testament to our understanding of the Newer Testament, 2) to help bridge the gap that developed between Judaism and Christianity, 3) to respect, bless, and support Israel, 4) to restore the essence and spirit of the true Messianic movement of the first century, and 5) to study and teach the Word of God in an authentic and scholarly way
Our method is simple. We post our teachings and invite anyone who is interested to take advantage of them. We also record and post our in-person meetings (without major editing so you hear questions and responses).
Just Posted: Tetzaveh/Command in Exodus
Just Posted: Tetzaveh/Command in Exodus